Other trips

Iceland, Finland, Estonia, Russia, Mongolia, China, Thailand, Cambodia and South Korea

Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Israel, Jordan and Copenhagen

Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Egypt, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Ethiopia, Kenya, S. Africa, Zimbabwe, UAE and Denmark

Panama. Colombia, Ecuador (including Galapagos), Peru, Bolivia, Chile (including Easter Island), Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Mexic0.

France (Paris and Lourdes), Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Spain, Andorra, Morocco (Tangier), Portugal and the Netherlands (Amsterdam).

New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, Great Britain, Antarctica, Patagonia and Paraguay.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Year 3 - Travels with Annie & Fanny (1)

Random thoughts that go through my mind while traveling:

Annie can walk forever
I have gotten so used to my fanny pack that I feel lost without it
I can't believe all the medication we have to carry
And all the electronics
I grow more appreciative every year of men and woman who have served and are serving in the military. We've visited so many war memorials and read about so many sacrifices made.
I enjoy not watching, reading and hearing the news
I miss our children
Our new credit cards with the chips don't work the same way as the ones in Australia and it mixes up the sales people sometimes - got billed for 2 $40 charges that the clerk said didn't go through - thank goodness visa takes care of things like that - I imagine this will happen everywhere
I still check on the Broncos - and I hope Toronto goes to the World Series and Troy becomes MVP
It is really chilly here in southern Australia
Sydney is fantastic - but did you know that the opera house isn't white? It's more ivory looking!
Australians have a great sense of humor

 I love my new iPad - Siri I can do without

Hope you're all enjoying Annie's blogs. If you get them via email and a picture doesn't open you can still view them by going to the blog site - www.bergersadventures3.blogspot.com

And if you want to leave a comment you need to do that from the website also. Or you can email me directly at sberger10@gmail.com or annieberger4@gmail.com

    After a long day of sightseeing in Canberra, Fanny rests while Annie works on the blog.


  1. Ha I'm glad you have the Fanny and is keeping you comfy packed with all the necessities. We miss you a bunch too!

    Also, Toronto? Really? The Broncos will be fine. Probably :)

  2. Good to hear your point of view in addition to Annie's. I know what you mean about missing your kids. I always get homesick while traveling even though I also love being away. Ivy


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